Sunday 20 November 2005

Zurück mit Mama (Back with mummy)

I’ve been having photo therapy in the "Kinder intensiv station" (children’s intensive care ward) for the last 2 days and nights. They had to go and get Mummy every time I was hungry and even had to wake her up in the night. It’s pretty exhausting sleeping under the lights, and I get dehydrated a fair bit. Fortunately the jaundice is going away, and I’m getting a lot more energy to drink mummy’s milk. Dad says that I’m sucking like a champion! Mum says "ouch!". My current problem is that I am so hungry that I gulp too quickly, and I get uncomfortable until I can burp. You saw a photo of me yesterday, here's another one with my daddy. You see all the wires coming out from me? They're to monitor my heart rate, oxygen levels and temperature. My dad is an engineer, and he really liked all the gadgets. There were machines all around me, and they kept going "ping"! Do you like my cute hat? It's a bit big for me, and it covers my eyes. Not very practical if you ask me.

This morning I got to move back to Mummy’s room so we can room in together. They brought in a special bed just for me that is different from the one I had before. This bed looks like an aquarium for babies where there are porthole windows that Mummy and Daddy can touch me through. It also has a special heater to keep me warm because I have to "fake sun bake" in the nuddy. Here’s a photo of me in my aquarium bed next to mummy. See the fake sun over my head? I've only ever seen it off - as my silly hat is covering my eyes. If you look really closely, you can see that I'm on my tummy. They said I need an all-round tan.

After a day of baking in mummy’s room, my blood test results were good, and tonight I’m allowed to stay in my normal bed. I’m so excited that I will be able to call my mum at any hour of the night, and she will be there within a few seconds! Tomorrow morning I’ve got to have another blood test (my poor feet have pin pricks all over them now!), and if that looks OK, then I’ll be allowed to go home and see my very own room.

Mummy and Daddy think I sleep the way they do. Here’s a photo of me and my dad sleeping on our backs. Can you tell who is who? Yes, I know, it's a dead giveaway. Daddy has slightly greener eyes.

Here’s a photo of me sleeping on my side. That's mum holding me, but she says she sleeps like that too!

BTW, this is my first post on this blog site. I’d like to thank my editors for fixing up my mistakes. I have been hearing a lot of German because all the nurses talk to me in German and so "Mein Englisch ist nicht so gut". That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Actually, I'm quite impressed with how well mummy and daddy can interperet my speech. They know my hungry cry, my need a change cry, my burp me cry and my tired cry. Well, I think they understand. Usually they do what I want, though sometimes they get the order wrong. I’d also like to thank my mom and dad - they really love me heaps, and without them I wouldn’t be the baby I am today. Thanks also to everyone who gave me a present. So far I have only tried on my little white beanie hat with a yellow duck on it. Was that from you Aunty Caro? It is sooo much better than the hospital bonnet with strings. That thing didn’t stay on right and kept twisting around. I was afraid I might strangle myself. Here’s a photo of me wearing my nice hat. You can see the other one in some of the previous posts. I'm not crying because I don't like the hat - I just need to burp. No mummy, that's not right! I said I'm hungry! Remember the signs? When my lips are vibrating and my tongue sticks out and my cry pierces the night.

Signed: Owen Matthias

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