Wednesday 30 November 2005

Es gibt kein schlechtes Wetter, nur die falsche Kleidung (There's no such thing as terrible weather - only the wrong clothing)

This is a German saying that Nathan thinks is quite cute. It's true, though, that good clothes make a huge difference to your experience of the German winter.

Actually, it's not officially winter yet, even though we've had our first snow. It came one morning while Jo and Owen were still at the hospital, though not enough to whiten the road. Since then we've had much more, and boy is it cold! Here are a couple of photos from just outside our apartment. The snow hasn't persisted, and right now it's melted away, though we have been getting a little bit more every few days.

For those who already live in these chilly northern hemisphere climates, yeah we know...we have been told that we haven't experienced "winter" yet. For those Aussies reading this, it IS cold! We've shown you some photos of Owen's Kinderwagen from the outside, now look what's inside! No wonder you can't see him under the thick outer capsule, sheepskin lining, blankets and warm clothes!

Finally, a photo of Owen in Johanna Park after his first visit to Church. Note the warm clothing of Nathan and Jo - thick heavy overcoats, scarf, beanie and gloves. Nathan recently bought some Winterschuhe (winter shoes), which are doing a good job on his feet, but his super duper Kathmandu windproof gloves don't stop his fingers from feeling like they're going to fall off!

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