Friday 13 January 2006

Heilige Drei Könige (Three Kings Day)

In Germany, the 6th January (the 12th day of Christmas) is called the Three Kings day. It's supposed to be when the Three Kings visited baby Jesus to give him gifts of Gold, Frankensense and Myrrh. Of course, those who have read the account carefully would know that we don't know how many kings came, and that they probably arrived over a year after Jesus was born. Amazingly enough, it's actually a public holiday in some states - including the one where Nathan works.

On the 6th, you're supposed to take down your Christmas decorations and tree. We didn't have a tree for Christmas, but we were lent a small one on Boxing day, which Jo decorated.

Here's a photo of Owen in his "Sunday Best". We managed to put together a perfectly matching set of clothes, right down to the socks!

Owen's Development
We've really noticed how much Owen has changed and grown since his birth. It's hard to show in pictures, but here's an attempt.

Firstly, he's really put on weight - both in length and chunkyness. Check out the thunder thighs!

He's starting to get some hand-eye coordination. Here he is with a his little friends. He likes to stare at them, and will occassionally send them spinning with a well-aimed swipe. We tried to get an action shot, but this was the best we could do.

He's even starting to use sign-language to communicate. We've been signing "food" to him and when he's hungry, he makes this sign (tips of fingers together, touching chin). It's not exactly right, but he is quite consistent with it - he only does it when he is hungry. Of course, the other explanation is that he's "fisting" - trying to eat his hand when he's hungry. Doesn't matter to us - we just tell him he's a very clever boy!

No matter how clever he is, just after he's had a good feed, he tends to space out - perfectly content with life.

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