Sunday 1 January 2006

Frohe Weihnachten (Merry Christmas)

This year, since we have been a little busy with Owen and visitors and due to the distance and astronomical prices of postage to Australia, we are doing our Christmas card as a post here. Normally Jo would be revelling in making many many Christmas cards by hand and doing her best to get Nathan to write in some of them or at least sign them... not so this year (Nathan is rather glad!).

We are sorry this is not individual and personal this year and also that it is very late.

May you remember the real meaning of Christmas, the coming of the Lord Jesus to earth as a baby. We hope that the new year sees you tackling each day with renewed energy and living each day with hope.

We enjoyed Christmas with Jo's parents and our very good friend, Vera. Jeff and Wendy (here from America for 2 years - we know from church) also joined us for Christmas lunch after we all attended the Christmas service at church in the morning. We could enjoy hot food without sweltering, unlike our friends and families in Sydney. It snowed very late on Christmas night so we actually did have a white Christmas after all.

After lunch, we played a game of "Niagara". It's a new board game that won the German "Spiel des Jahres 2005" (Game of the Year 2005). Here's a photo of us with Jeff and Wendy just after we finished. It's a five player game, and Owen won. Only joking, Vera was the other player, but she's taking the photo.

In the evening were ate leftovers and opened our presents. I know - we said we would do this on Christmas Eve, but we didn't get around to it. Here's a photo of all of us with a selection of the Christmas gifts. Vera is taking the shot again.
Here's proof Vera was really there.

If you've got reindeer antlers and a baby, then it's inevitable....

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