Tuesday 6 December 2005

Wickeln (Changing nappies)

You might have noticed that the posts have slowed down over the past few weeks, and that your emails have gone unanswered. There's a good reason for that - we've been quite busy looking after Owen.

Here is a photo of Owen surrounded by nappies from a nappy tree present from his Uncle Richard and Aunty Michele. Windeln (nappies) are a recurring theme in our lives right now, along with stillen (breast feeding), weinen (crying) and if we are having a really good day, schlafen (sleeping). The present was very appropriate - with 59 nappies. We've almost used them up in just over a week. Yep, that's right, that's no typo. It's about 8 nappies A DAY!

Here is Nathan changing Owen's nappy. Owen is getting really good at being changed now. When it's time to take off his jump suit, a simple tug on the feet, and Owen bends his legs so that they come out of the suit. After that, he obligingly straightens his legs to make it easier to lift him out of his dirty nappy, clean his bottom and put the new nappy on.

For those who have not had the privilege of changing numerous nappies, the key performance indicators (KPI's) are:
Time between one nappy off and a new nappy on (2s). This must be kept low to minimise the chance of surprise (and uncontained) outflows.
Nappy location (waist). Too high, and Owen is uncomfortable, too low and he leaks (YUK!).
Time outside of jump suit (1.5 minutes): Longer and Owen gets too cold.
Maximum bum tilt (25 degrees): More than this increases the probability of spülen (vomit).

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