Thursday 15 December 2005

Ein Monat (one month)

Time has just flown by, and Owen is now one month old! Today we present to you a typical Owen cycle (illustrated), which usually lasts between 2.5 and 4 hours.

Here is Owen looking peaceful. If he manages to get to sleep (around half the times he is supposed to), he sleeps quite soundly.

When he just wakes up, he often looks a little puzzled, but that usually doesn't last long!

Pretty soon, the crying starts.

Here is one of our favourite looks - eager anticipation. Here Owen has woken up hungry, and has just been swaddled. His young mind has worked out that those two in combination are a sure sign that he will soon get fed.

After feeding (sorry, this is a G rated site!), Owen is usually in a good mood. Here he is sharing a secret wink with us. The nappy change is during or just after feeding (see previous post).

We try to have some kind of activity time after eating (according to one of the many theories we've been told, this is supposed to help with sleeping patterns). One activity is bath time. Here is Owen being dried after his Daddy gave him a bath. It was Daddy's first try at bathing, and was a little scary for all the males involved. How exactly does one keep a baby from falling under the water when he's wriggling around, and you've only got him by one hand because you're trying to wash him with the other???

Talking to Owen is supposed to help his speech (no, it's not too early - and this comes from a Paediatric Speech Pathologist). Here's a "what are you babbling on about?" look.

If we've got Owen on a good day, he'll bring out the charm and make us feel like we aren't making a total mess of this parent thing... with a SMILE!

Then, it's off to sleep, and the cycle starts again.

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