Sunday 28 August 2005

Wir bauen für Sie #2 - Furniture

On Monday a week ago we received a HUGE delivery from IKEA (pronounced ee-kay-are in Germany). For the whole week, Nathan (and Jo where possible) have been "Bauen für Sie". Attached is a picture of most (but not all) of the cardboard packaging to give an idea of how much there was. You can also see how we've furnshed the empty room we showed you a few weeks ago.

IKEA has a pretty bad name in Germany. Real estate agent: "Oh sure, you can rent a furnished apartment, but it will probably be furnished with cheap IKEA furniture". But nevertheless, it is very popular. We bought it for these reasons:

1) It IS cheap and it does the job.
2) We're only here a year, so it doesn't matter if it breaks after a while.
3) It actually requires less effort than getting second hand furniture, which you have to move assembled, or disassemble, move and reassemble.
5) It was too much effort shopping around lots of smaller shops, when we really wanted a couch to sit on as quickly as possible.

Leipzig is in the state of Saxony, and IKEA is located in the state next door - Saxony-Anhalt. When IKEA first opened, the Saxony government didn't like the idea of all their people shopping in the next state, so they refused to upgrade the access road. Fortunately they saw sense, and it's now a pleasant 30 minute drive from home.

Strange German Language concept #1 – Heute Nacht = Tonight. HOWEVER, in the morning, Heute Nacht = last night. Eg Heute nacht habe ich ein schlechtes Traum = Tonight I have a terrible dream = last night I had a terrible dream.

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