Sunday 28 August 2005

Wir bauen für Sie #1! (We build for YOU!)

Along the motorways, you can sometimes see a sign with this written on it. It's there to explain to motorists why half the autobahn is being dug up, and the speed limit is only 60km/h. I think it's supposed to reduce frustration at crawling when most would like to be travelling at 200km/h +.

There appears to be building all over the place. Always somewhere on the Autobahn, but also in Leipzig city. Leipzig is hosting some of the Soccer World Cup games, and has decided to upgrade its infrastructure. This includes building an underground railway under the city centre. As a result, Leipzig is "Bauen für Sie"! Attached is a picture of some road work, which has shut down one of the terminus tram stops and brought the tram system in the whole city to a standstill.

Because of all the building, navigating through Leipzig at the moment is pretty difficult. One day you have worked out your favourite route to work, and the next day it's blocked off by road work and you have to find another way.

Something new to our eyes on the building sites... you don't often see any people on them, and you certainly don't see three "supervisors" watching one council worker dig a ditch. Almost all the building work is done from inside large trucks of various descriptions.

Useful Word #2. Zeug (neuter) = Thing. Eg Flugzeug = flying thing = aeroplane, Spielzeug = playing thing = toy, Werkzeug = working thing = tool.

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