Thursday 22 January 2009

One week old

Abby and Sean turned 1 week old today!

After 4 nights at the hospital, mum and the newborns came home! They were very small in the car seats - here is Sean all snug and secure.

The first few nights at home have been a bit tiring, as expected. Breast-feeding is all the harder when you have twins. You need to feed them at the same time in order to have time for other important activities (such as sleep!), but feeding two together is not easy! Probably for a while, Nathan will need to wake up for the night feeds to lend a hand.

Having twins after Owen has been both good and bad. Jo is much more experienced at breast feeding, which makes a huge difference. But Owen also needs our attention, sometimes at the worst possible time!

We have lots of photos of course. Although not as many as with Owen. Probably because we both tend to have our hands full of baby, rather than a camera. We think the cutest photos are of Abby and Sean right up next to each other. It's also easier to work out who is who that way; Nathan still occassionally gets them mixed up! In the following two photos, Abby is on the left.

WARNING! Skip the rest of this post if you don't like poo stories.

One highlight of the first week is that Nathan managed to get poo'd on! This is actually quite an achievement when you think about it. Most mums and dads would have experienced the suprise wee in the face (Nathan on his first nappy change with Owen!), but poo??? The secret is in the timing. You have to pick a time when your baby has explosive, mustard poo. Then you have to remove the old nappy at exactly the time that your baby explodes. Here is the evidence:


Unknown said...

Don knows the feeling!

Ben said...

Sigh... it's inescapable, although my experiences are far more subtle but just as embarassing.

I had a kid on my lap for brekky one day and got a slow silent-but-deadly poo leak out the side of the nappy.

Naturally, I cleaned it off my pants, which was fine at the time.

I thought I cleaned it all up until I got to work and went into a meeting and got asked "do you usually wash your shirts?"

The poo had silenty and gradually soaked through my pants and wicked up my shirt leaving a yucky yellowy brown patch just above the belt line... ewwwwww.... lucky I didn't play horsey and have the kid sitting on my back... now THAT would have needed some real explainin'!