Thursday 21 June 2007

What do you want to be when you grow up?

We had our first comment on our blog today (thanks Peter and Martina), which spurred us on to finish this blog entry. It's been slow recently, as we've had a spate of illness. First Nathan had the flu, which he promptly passed to both Jo and Owen. To add insult to injury, Owen ended up with an ear infection. We're now pretty much better, with just a few sniffles here and there. The weather here in Sydney has been very wet and windy, which doesn't help things.

Owen is 19 months old now, and you can see more and more of his personality coming through. We wonder if what we see now can give a clue as to what Owen will want to do when he gets older.

Like father, like son? Nathan is an Engineer, and Owen might have leanings this way as well. A few months ago, Jo found that the DVD RCA cables were plugged in incorrectly. She was a bit puzzled, until a few days later she found Owen trying to "fix" the cabling. What about a handyman? Owen wanted to work on his high chair after Dad had a go, as you can see here.

They say you should do something you love. If that's the case, Owen should consider being a chef. As we've mentioned previously, food has been a great motivator for Owen to learn how to speak. Even now, the majority of his words are associated with food! Food has also motivated Owen to advance physically. An incentive for Owen to learn to climb the cupboards was to be able to reach the fruit bowl! Here's Owen after a successful raid, and then a look at what's leftover. As they say, waste not, want not! Owen's not always so efficient with his food. If he doesn't like it, or if he's full, it's thrown on the floor!

Even though we haven't intentionally taught him, Owen loves to count to ten, and his favourite number seems to be "8", which he always says with gusto. Maybe his interest in numbers means he will want to be a mathemetician? He's got a way to go, through. He tends to skip "5" - maybe he wants to get to "8" more quickly.

Maybe he'll work in a call centre (although his job opportunities are limited because he's not Indian). He loves talking on the phone. With some people he's actually more talkative on the phone than in person. Here he is talking to "Paw Paw" (the chinese way of saying Grandma).

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