Now a couple of videos. First is Owen dancing to the wiggles again - this time as a ballet dancer! And here is a sample of what Owen sounds like in the morning when he wakes up - Nathan was trying very hard to tiptoe to the door, but Owen has very sharp hearing!
So what's been happening the past month?
The rest of the time (which has been very cool and wet by Sydney standards) has been dominated by the Christmas season.
Nathan's work had their Christmas party at an Indian restaurant - with a Bollywood theme! Two of his colleagues had recently had babies, and they both decided to bring them along to the party. How did they go? Well, they survived the loud Bollywood music and even managed a short sleep or two!
There have been a few Christmas Carols. First was the joint West Ryde community Carols at the local public school. Our church was one of several who organised it, and unfortunately it was absolutely pouring with rain throughout the entire evening. The following week was our church's "Carols on the Corner", where Jo played the keyboard. Jo is playing again for tonight's 11pm Christmas eve service, and for the 9am Christmas service tomorrow. Needless to say, we are a bit 'carolled-out'.
Then there's the traditional family gatherings on Christmas Day and Boxing Day (that means 2nd Christmas day if you are German). These were all organised - lunch with Jo's family on Christmas day at our house, and a clan gathering at Nathan's parents place the day after. We were really looking forward to it all, when disaster struck (ok, a small hiccough). On Christmas eve, the doctor diagnosed Owen with "hand, foot and mouth disease". In case you are wondering, this is not at all related to the animal "foot and mouth disease" that can be fatal. It's a very common viral infection in little kids - fever, rash and mouth ulcers. As a result, Owen is to be quarantined in the family residence for the next week. So no big Christmas gatherings for us this year :(
We'd like to wish everyone a blessed Christmas as we celebrate the first coming of our Lord Jesus.
Matthew 1:23 - The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel --which means, "God with us."