Saturday 21 October 2006

Relatives in Toronto

Toronto, the land of Anne of Green Gables. We stayed with Jo's cousin and family in an old farmhouse out of town. On one of our drives they pointed out a house that looks exactly like the one used in the filming of the original Green Galbes movie.

Owen enjoyed playing with his second cousin. Actually, it was more playing next to his second cousin - he's not quite old enough to interact with other kids except to try and steal their toys.

At the farmhouse, Owen enjoyed his first (and last??) fireside bath. Even mum and dad haven't had one of those!

This rocking horse was a hit with Owen.

In this branch of our relatives there are 3 sons and 6 grandsons. With Owen, we had 7 boys running around and causing havoc. Here they all are. Owen just woke up, which is why he isn't so happy.

Jo's cousin called Canada "The land where you buy things in bulk", and we found this to be quite true! For example we could only find a packet of nappies with twice as many as normal - which was a problem because we didn't want to fill our luggage with spare nappies. On one trip to a shopping centre there was quite a stir when crowds of shoppers pushed and shoved to get hold of a bulk special. The product? Toilet paper.

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