Friday 3 March 2006

Spitznamen (Nicknames)

What happened to "three months"? We were a little busy, and Nathan got quite sick, so we didn't manage to post in time. Instead, we've got some photos to go with our nicknames for Owen.

Champion. This is named after Owen's favourite pose when lying on the change table - hands in the air, fists pumping, or sometimes with a "How's that!" finger.

Sneaky boy. Here is Owen, looking towards the door, hoping his parents will come running after letting out a howl. Owen doesn't like sleeping these days - it's too boring! Owen will also smile and gurgle at us when we put him to bed in the hope that we will have so much fun we'll stay with him and play. As soon as we leave, though, the crying starts! Another trick is to make cute sounds when we're all ignoring him to try and get some attention. Works every time!

4 lungs. Named by our church minister Martin after he cried his lungs out during Martin's sermon, distracting the whole service. When he really gets going he cries so loud he runs out of breath, and ends up with a beetroot face. [Photo on its way - we don't usually take photos of Owen when he's crying!].


Milky face. He often falls asleep during or just after eating, which usually results in some leakage...


Owen's Development

Note Owen's new favourite sleeping position - arms straight out rather than above his head. He's training to be a fisherman.

Owen can hold his body and head somewhat upright - stronger neck muscles! He always wants to look around, and will often try to do a 360 degree turn with his neck to follow you around the room!

Here's Owen on his tummy - arching his back and lifting his head. One time, he managed to roll himself over from his front to his back, but that's unusual. He doesn't like it so much on his tummy, and he thrashes about like a coachroach on its back - lots of effort and movement for no reward.

Owen has started grabbing things. Fingers, towels, glasses, eyes, shirt... even a toy or two. He also explores the world with his mouth - sucking on anything that comes near his face. Most of the time he combines the two, and simply sucks on his hands while simultaneously exploring his mouth with his fingers.

Owen has advanced in his piano playing skills. He now winds up to try and hit the keyboard (he's worked out that touching the keys softly doesn't work). Unfortunately with a big swing he usually misses the keyboard completely!

Owen laughs much more readily now. Often if we just laugh out loud, he'll join in the joke. Doesn't want to get left out!

German medical surprise #1. When Nathan got sick, he went to visit an "allgemein Artz", or GP. One of his German friends found the nearest one to our apartment from the Gelbe Seiten (yellow pages). After waiting 90 minutes, he found out he was actually a Homeopath. After testing his muscles, he prescribed Nathan some foul tasting herbal concoction and some Arsenic. Won't be going back there again!

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