Saturday 10 September 2005

Leipzig Englisch Kirche (Leipzig English Church)

As previously mentioned, one of the highlights of our time here has been our new church. We contacted this church months ago before we even started packing up our house. It has been wonderful to attend here. We were welcomed from the moment we stepped into the building. It’s a little strange when we meet people (we meet someone we don’t know every week we go) and they say “oh you’re the ones from Australia”. Apparently they’ve never had Australians attend the church before. LEC has a very international feel – there are people from so may parts of the world (England, USA, Canada, Africa, Indonesia, Brunei, Germany, China and now Australia!). There are always people coming and going. For the first few weeks the congregation was saying goodbye to someone or other. We attend in the morning at 10:30am. It has a mixture of families and some students. You can check out the website for this church at

Here's a picture of the family we stayed with for our first month in Leipzig.

We meet in a Lutheran church hall (Gemaindehaus). The actual Lutheran church building for this hall is across the road and only used for special events e.g. weddings. Some years ago, it’s congregation (German) merged with another Lutheran church and they meet at that other church building. Here is a picture of the church building that we DON'T meet in.

Nathan is planning to help a little with the Sunday School, which lacks male teachers. Jo is going to play the piano for the church service sometimes. We hope to attend a home group soon and Jo will likely go to the women’s bible study group one morning a week.

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